Soon, real driving emission tests to check actual performance on road
Home to half of the world's 20 most
polluted cities India is working to introduce real driving emission (RDE) tests
for a more accurate emission profile of new vehicles under on-road conditions.
New models of vehicles currently go through mandatory laboratory tests, but
global analysis has shown that vehicles produced inline with existing standards
generate substantially higher emissions on-road than in laboratory conditions,
particularly in case of emissions of diesel vehicles. Real driving emission tests, which will make
Indian emission inspection standards among the most stringent in the world, are
intended to keep in check vehicular pollution
levels and plug gaps to prevent defaults as seen in the diesel gate scandal
involving German automajor Volkswagen. "In
Europe, real driving tests are being
brought in to evaluate NOX emissions. In India, particulate matter emissions
are more of a concern. While details are being worked out regarding parameters
of these inspections, RDE will come into force from 2020 for purposes of data
collection, and permissible limits to determine emission performance of
vehicles will become applicable 2024 onwards." Procedure for off-cycle emissions are being
worked out by the ministry of road transport; highways (MoRTH) and the ministry
of heavy industries. A senior executive from a leading Japanese auto maker
confirmed the development. To prevent
manipulations, while a vehicle is being driven on-road, new rules will specify
in measurable parameters the characteristics of the test trips which would
include speed range, elevation gain among
other factors. Guidelines will also be laid down to improve supervision of
emission control strategy of vehicles to prevent use of defeat devices as seen
in case of the diesel-gate scandal involving Volkswagen. The car maker last year admitted to the fitment of
11 million diesel engines worldwide with software which helped in manipulating
emission tests. The roads ministry is
also framing norms for in-compliance tests for in-use vehicles of all makes and
engine types to further check vulnerability of the country to Volkswagen-like
frauds. Currently, India defines regulatory standards (Bharat Stage emission
rules) for new vehicles and not in-use ones.
We recommend this video by Venturist VENTURIST MEDIA INC. In-service
compliance tests will be conducted randomly on vehicles on the roads to see if they
are conforming to Bharat Stage emission standards 2020 onwards. "Variations are expected in emission
levels of vehicles tested from factory floor and those tested onroad. There are
no clear norms defining permissible on-road emission levels, which would allow
us to know if these variations are nominal or of alarming proportions. We are working on refining this
architecture," said a senior government official. There can be penalties involved if
significant variations are found after factoringin at what stage of its
lifecycle the vehicle is and to what extent it has been maintained. Volkswagen had initiated a recall of 3.23
lakh vehicles in India in December last year after a government-ordered probe
showed 5-6 times more emissions from some of the group's diesel-run vehicles,
compared with what the company had reported based on trials carried out in
laboratory conditions. The company had, however, at the time said its vehicles
conformed to BS standards. Real driving
emission tests will become applicable to new models in Europe from September
2017, and for new vehicles from September 2019. Conformity factor of up to 2.1
will be allowed for exceeding NOx emissions limit in the continent.
real driving emission tests to check actual performance on road