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Nissan Motor India earns $4.35 bn exporting cars

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Jul 28, 2016
Nissan Motor India earns $4.35 bn exporting cars

The Indian subsidiary of Japanese car maker Nissan Motor has earned over Rs 30,000 crore ($4.35 billion) in foreign exchange, Nissan Motor India said on Thursday.

In a statement, Nissan Motor India said since 2010 when it started operations in India, over 620,000 cars were exported to over 100 countries and it earned foreign exchange revenue of Rs 30,000 crore.http://www.nurrawatches.com/

The company gets its models made at Renault-Nissan Alliance's joint venture car plant near here.

"Our strategy has been to use exports to build a significant presence in India with our plant, the largest and most advanced in the Alliance, and our R&D (research and development) centre which employs 5,000 engineers," Gulaume Sicard, President, Nissan India Operations, was quoted as saying.